Saturday, 11 October 2014

Lost: My Hobby Mojo

It's been a couple of weeks since the games up at Wyvern, and it makes me sad to report that despite the enthusiasm from such a successful day, I've made pretty much no progress hobby-wise. Well, I halfheartedly built a 4Ground building and couple of Perry Afrikakorps, but that's about it. Excepting of course playing Clint's excellent play by blog naval game

Image credit

Why is this, after a fairly productive summer? Mostly, work, which has me quite busy and less motivated to do much of worth in the evenings. I was away last weekend too, so no prime time weekend morning slot to kickstart me back into building and painting. The rush to finish a bunch of minis for the Wyvern games day may be a contributing factor too - I usually take a few days down time after a deadline. I've also reached a 'which project next' crossroads.

I've not settled on how best to break the malaise. When I'm tired or less motivated I tend to prepare minis - less brain cells required and can be done in front of the TV. That or grab a random pulpy mini to paint for pleasure. But I've barely managed either. Perhaps I should seek the comfort of the PS3 and TV with the wife for a couple more weeks? Or maybe shineybloodyitis is the cure: not usually a problem for me and the pleasure of some new shinies might get me back at it. Alas, I have bought quite a bit recently, which has just gone on to be added to the pile, though the SCW project lingers, despite some enthusiasm waning at the club.

Though I have half an eye on the fast-approaching winter months, which are often so productive. So, what are the options? Well, in order of 'likelihood you'll see them before Christmas':
-Prep and paint 15mm WWII Germans to face my US paras
-15mm WWII terrain (another 4Ground building and a box of supplies to be turned into hedges, bocage, walls and fences)
-Something Pulpy that I prepared earlier
-Other misc terrain bits
-28mm SCW
-More for the Sudan (still a noticeable lead mound and a recent Grand Manner sale provided some bits to 'pimp my steamer', so to speak)
-28mm Perry Afrikakorps
-Something else

Well that's that off my chest. Does the wisdom of the blogging community have any suggestions for me?


  1. Take some quality time to rest books or watch films related to the periods or themes you' d be looking to play. It usually work with me

    1. That's a fair shout, though downtime so far has mostly been PS3, trashy TV or reading blogs/forums

  2. I have a great pile of back copies of miniature wargames, which is usually a great source of motivation, booking club games well in advance keeps the painting ticking over.... e.g. Next Club RJW, but I need to finish the Russian artillery for that :-)

    1. That's not a bad shout Stu. Look forward to seeing your RJW.

  3. What I used to do was start a plastic model kit..After a time I'd think.: "I could be spending this time painting soldiers" Leaving me with lots of half finished model kits of course...

    1. Haha, brilliant. Do something similar but time-consuming that you don't enjoy so much. Very good.

  4. I had a really productive spring and summer as well - also followed by a (thus far) not-so-productive autumn. What i have done had felt pretty "forced" and not not as "fun". Having a hard time getting started on a project that can keep me going... Mostly I've been playing board games with the kids and getting some reading done. I'm not too worried about it though - eventually something will light my fire and I'll be at it again.

    1. True true - here's to a productive winter for us both.

  5. I made a decision a couple of years ago to not stress about my leisure time. If I don't feel like painting, I don't do it. I do something completely different, or sometimes just do nothing at all. Painting constantly can start to feel like work, and I have to remind myself that it's all a choice. You'll know when the enthusiasm is returning and feel that urge to pick up the brush again. In the meantime, enjoy something else! :-)

    1. Thanks for your comment Paul. You are of course right: my time is my own and I've no specific urgency tying me to the painting desk. But I'd prefer I was doing something productive with it - I wasn't even finding PS3 time particularly fun.

  6. I tend to do planning for other projects when that mojo thing happens, random planning of purchases etc..usually results in a return to lead mountain!

    1. Haha, yes. Mine is more a mound but that can easily be resolved

  7. I think about all the jobs around the house I need to do. Suddenly my mojo is back with a vengeance :-)

    1. This usually only works for me if I can imagine some sort of "pressing need" or artificial "must be done by" date for the miniatures:

      "I know you were expecting I should get those book shelves completed this weekend, but the kids are having some friends over on halloween to play some games so I had to finish up these zombies for my horror themed game I'm going to run for them"

      "don't you already have, like, 200 painted zombies already done...?"

      "Um... well.... yeah... but..."

    2. Conversely, if I was doing some DIY I'd have felt more like a good way to spend a fortnight. Alas no.

  8. I often experience a bit of the doldrums after hosting a substantial big game. It's a natural feeling after such a concerted effort - almost anticlimactic but not quite, if you know what I mean. I often get back into the swing of things after reading some old wargaming mags or watching some David Lean-esque movies with the lady of the house.

    Other than that I can assure you there will be a Challenge on the horizon to help stoke the fires of industry...

    1. Oh really?!

      *furiously purchases and preps*

  9. In those moments, I like to play wargames with the PC, the strategy level ones so difficult to command, like "War in the East".

    1. Oh, I don't know that one Juan, I'll look it up thanks

  10. This certainly has a familiar ring to it as I often find myself suffering something similar during busy times at work. Retail therapy is often the result, followed by a bit of prepping, but mostly dreaming up the next distraction!

    1. Yes no doubt things will quiet down, better get some minis in for that moment eh? ;-)

  11. I think it's perfectly natural and a normal process as the mojo always comes and goes. It's a good time to read that book you always have been meaning to or catch up on an HBO series you missed. Maybe read some of the old wargames mags on digital. Anyhow that itch will return and you'll be happily painting again in no time.


    1. Alas, running out of TV to watch. I've got 'the Pacific' to watch but less fussed about the East, I could do with a HBO series in the WWII desert!

  12. It happens. Rest assured, you will get it back.


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