Monday, 11 August 2014

New Improved Crop Fields

I've been overusing the old coir doormat 'crop fields' - they've been a good way to break up large areas with area terrain cheaply and easily. But they do, frankly, look like cut up bits of doormat. So, inspired by a better example at Lonely Gamers, I set about to make some improvements:

The one on the right has been recently been cut and the chaff left, or perhaps has been ruined and trampled by a battalion passing through. All in all, a simple job that only took a while because of the drying times. I want to make more up but I ran out of the foamed PVC that I use for the bases after these two. I reckon I could make use of another 4 in varying sizes and in different tones. I've a load of Perry fencing around too - I'll fence in the next ones in and make up some matching fencing strips to link the fields up.

These aren't really Sudan terrain, though could serve for more fertile farmed areas near the Nile and towns. They will come in useful for games in Spain though: both Napoleonic and SCW. I've always been meaning to make up a vineyard too and I've twice the reasons now.

The 95th patrol through the Spanish countryside

I've also realised I didn't get around to posting up my photos from the excellent Blog-Con back in May. How the summer has flown. Well that means I didn't get chance to public ally show my appreciation to the esteemed gentleman Curt, who very kindly made a contribution to my Pulp collection. Yup, you guessed it: true to form, it's a Mountie (photographed by me in the Curt style):

Thanks Curt: Lovely paintwork and very much appreciated. He will take pride of place in the collection.


  1. Very nice crop fields, and a fantastic figure from Curt!!!

  2. Nice job Phil n the fields. And it's a cracking Mountie by Curt.

  3. Now they really do look good, lovely modifications Phil.

  4. The crop fields look pretty cool, as does Curt the Mountie!

  5. Really effective, must nick that! :-)

    1. Ah I can claim no credit, but it's amazing how much just basing something improves the look. I've yet to find a better, cost-defective and easy way if doing fields.

  6. Nice one Phyllion. I really must do this with my ones. I see Curt has lived up to his usual high standard with your Mountie as well.

  7. Those fields look fantastic Phil. I don't know what foamed PVC is though. Can you give me a hint to what it's used for? Good to see that The Mountie is safely ensconced at Chez Phyllion (though, I must say, that level of zoom frightens me a bit...)

    1. Foamed PVC is a great building material for terrain. I use it for my bases. It's tough, light, but can be carved with a knife and painted. Antenociti's workshop sells it:

      You may know it as a trade name - Sintra or Palight?

      Oh, and embrace the zoom - the Mountie is great! :-)

  8. Looking good Phil, pefect for so many periods and locations.

  9. Very nice work Phil - need to get a few of these going myself and you have inspired me to get my finger out this weekend!!


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