Yes, a sure sign that 'Winter is coming'. No, not the sudden turn for the colder in this fair isle, our favourite Canadian blogger's announcement that once again he is going to run the annual painter-blogger extravaganza, the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.
If you've not heard of it already - where have you been hiding? Three months of a packed roster of great painters applying their craft to lead, plastic and resin. I heartily recommend it as a fine way of passing the winter months with cameraderie and just a little friendly banter. So if you fancy it, get on over here and sign up!
It's been quiet around here, but how's the time to get industrious. After a summer with limited painting, I feel fairly well prepped, both mentally and in undercoated lead and plastic. But there's still a bit for me to do in the next four weeks, including finishing off everything that's part-painted!
Right, now where did I leave those brushes...