Thursday, 1 January 2015

In Search of Pea Green

It's time to start the Spanish Civil War project. First onto the painting table are a squad of Carabineros, dashing in their "Light Grey-Green...lighter than that of the Civil Guard; one source described it as “pea” green" (from Balagan).

My paint selection wasn't big on greens. Having bought Vallejo out of potential colours (a fairly limited range made difficult by needing to do it online), I find myself undecided  on the best combination - there's no clear shade and highlight combination that I can see. I'm undecided if I'm after a grey-green or just a pale green. My Googling has unearthed no colour plates, just the description above and a handful of painted examples.

There is lots of a SCW knowledge no this community, so any sage advice for me from the options above?



  1. Sorry can't help you with the proper pea green, In the end I'd just pick the one you like the best???

  2. Phil good to see things taking shape, I have spent all afternoon considering shades of browns for my Nationalists.
    Have you considered Foundry Storm Green light 27c with a suitable wash it might give you what you are looking for?
    Cheers Stu

    1. Good shout - the light tone I think is the right ballpark. Though I've gone lighter still in the end to really stand out from the other green uniforms in SCW

  3. As Stuart says, Foundry´s "Storm Grey" can be a good option. Tomorrow I will search my books and paints.

  4. I'm afraid I can't help on this one, but we have a mutual Canadian friend, that might have an idea. Give Curt an email, see if he has worked on something similar.


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