
Sunday 4 May 2014

Sudan Stocktake: The Egyptian Forces

The Egyptians were never intended to be used as a force on their own, instead to be garrison forces or brigaded with the British to add colour and variety (and more of a challenge to the British command). But while they aren't enough to face the Mahdists alone, their numbers are creeping up. Though the recent Sudan games including the Battle of Shaykan by Lonely Gamers have been very inspiring - you never know, I might eventually collect enough to do some Egyptian/Mahdist games. Or even, just maybe Egyptian/British...

I've small units of both mounted and foot Bashi-Bazouks, both pleasingly colourful. 

One under-strength unit of Egyptian infantry in their white summer tunics. 

My favourites, the stalwart Sudanese IXth infantry (I noticed after putting everything away that I'd forgotten their regimental colours that were stored elsewhere).

The 'must add' is again quite short - depending on the number of players, I might make my first game British-only, but if I get enough interest someone will get to try their hand commanding an Egyptian brigade. For that eventuality I'll bolster the Egyptian infantry unit to a better size. These have sat half-painted months, interrupted by the challenge. Well overdue being finished, they shouldn't take too long. I've also a small unit of Bazinger riflemen that I've just finished prepping and should paint up.

I'd like to add one or two Egyptian command bases that I haven't got the figures for yet. Also some Egyptian regular cavalry and a proper Krupp gun rather than borrowing the Mahdists'! Then if I perhaps add a third unit of regular infantry and I'll have the basis for a couple of brigades from small beginnings. 


  1. Very nice work mate. The red fez and the white uniforms of the Egyptians look fantastic!

    1. They do look rather dapper don't they?

  2. Very nice! Lets hope they have more future success than in the game where they blundered and ran away on the first turn...

    1. Oh no, that's exactly what they're there for - can't let to British have it all their own way. Except I'd expect them to at least be charged before high tailing it!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks - a bit thin on the ground for how though!

  4. Great looking lads Phil.

    1. Cheers Dave - look forward to seeing them try to fend off your horde one day

  5. Lovely, lovely work Phil; they do look quite addictive, adding a bit of colour to the project.

  6. Fantastic painting work! I´m sure they deserve an opportunity to win a bit of glory... against the Mahdi or the Empire!

  7. These Egyptians are really amazing!


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