
Friday 9 May 2014

AWOL: My Painting Corner

This week has been a write off hobby-wise, with a succession of workmen in the house making a right old mess. Ten days or so of having to go to friends' to make use of their bathrooms is not to be recommended. At the same time we've had the second bedroom replastered, which has put my painting corner out of action. Things are coming along now and once the plaster has dried out I'll be able to apply paint and get the corner back in action. Though there looks to be an endless series of bits for me to tidy up over the coming months.

Definitely not suitable for hobbies

This means virtually no progress beyond a little light assembly and an aborted attempt to do some miniature painting. I doubt I'll get back to it properly for at least another week.

The timing is quite unfortunate as I was quite fired up, having enjoyed a great trip up to Yorkshire Air Museum for Blog Con 2 last weekend. It was truly a pleasure to meet up with Curt, SidneyR, DaveD, Andrew 'Loki', Kev and the rest. We had two great games, a chaotic day in Serenity hosted by DaveD and a great trench raid by Sidney R. You may well have seen the writeups from my fellow bloggers already, but I'll post up my photos in a few days.

Excellent appearance of my hair and camera-clutching hand in this photo by SidneyR. 


  1. AaaH , phew that's what the odour was was BC2. Seriously though.. Hope you return to "normality" ASAP.

    Great to meet up last weekend, looking forward to catching up again at BC3...

    1. Hah, cheers Dave. Having spent all day poking about in the various rooms under construction, I do rather hope so too!

  2. Are you using the right size brushes Phil? :-)
    I quite fancied coming along to the next BC, it looked like fun.

    1. Had to pick up a bigger one today :-)

      You should - BC3 will be in the south...

  3. I thought you may have seemed a bit a bit over optimistic with your estimations of when they'd be done. Nonetheless, it will look brilliant when it's all completed and you're back in your nest. Looking forward to your next post describing the adventures of the deadly 'Doc' Hawkins.

    1. Well yes. Clearly the plumber shares a characteristic of mine - both DIY and painting always take me longer than I anticipate!

  4. Great to meet you and hope the cave corner is back up soon.


  5. Great to meet you Phil....good luck with the renovations as well!

  6. Hang on, you were in Yorkshire barely 40mins from me and you didn't mention it?


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