
Sunday 13 April 2014

Salute 2014: The Loot

Well I'm back from the annual wander around the cavernous Excel centre. While I no longer live in London I was fortunate enough to have somewhere to stay the weekend and someone to entertain the wife for the day, to avoid the godawful-o'clock start that the rest of the Wyvern Wargamers group endured. So, fresh faced, I turned up at 1020 to avoid the worst of the monstrous queue. 

So, what tempted my wallet? All in all, no 'big ticket' purchases, just some stock ups, a few minis that I've had my eye on and some odds and ends.

-From the Perry stand, a restrained visit with just three packs from the Sudan range to top up the painting queue and box of Afrikakorps. The latter all BobC's fault after he mentioned that had enough ANZACs for Chain of Command. Dual use for Indiana Jones pulpy nonsense too.
-My annual Flag Dude stockup, mostly Mahdist and colonial British.
-A supply package from Warbases - bases for Mahdists and some oddments from their new animals range
-Some custom Perspex rings from Oshiro Modelterrain make sabot trays for my Mahdists
-some Renedra bell tents and rustic fences
-a few 4Ground furniture packs, to fill buildings in pulpy games
-Various resin scenic bits, including reasonably priced ruined columns and gate posts, a couple of bits of wall and some timber stacks
-Impulse purchase of just one 10mm WWI German jaeger pack from Kallistra. The Wyvern Wargamers table by Kallistra looked ace with whole hordes of infantry on a big push for he battle of the Marne in 10mm. I thought l'd grab a little platoon to paint up and perhaps join in future games of TFL's Through the Mud and the Blood. Really liked the heft of the Kallistra minis too - just that nudge bigger than pendraken's 10mm.
-Stockup of tufts from Antenociti

All in all, a par haul by my standards.

I did make the blogger meetup, albeit delayed from too long lingering at 4Ground. So I missed many people and the photo but did get chance to congratulate Michael Awdry on his victory over me in the AHPC side challenge. I also to chance to catch up with Samulus during the day, which was nice.


  1. Good to see you Phil. Nice haul of loot you have there.

  2. Good to see you again Phil! even though it was very brief!

    1. Aye - I'm all about the fleeting visit!

  3. A nice little pile of goodies. The 4Ground furniture was on my list but totally forgot about them until I saw your list. I wanted to get some of those chickens from warbases too but they were sold out.
    Great terrain pieces in your last post BTW.

    1. I've built them up now. Nice little pieces and good to go after a quick build, but some seem quite flimsy.

  4. Great to hear you had a good time and managed to get some treats for yourself. I like the look of those ruined columns.

    1. Yup, weighty bits of resin for a very reasonable price.

  5. So much for just odds and ends Phil :-)
    Good to see it's not just me getting caught by impulse purchases...

    1. There are always impulse purchases to be had! Fr me, this is odds and ends ;-)


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