
Wednesday 21 August 2013

First command stand for the Sudan

While the weather has relented, my schedule has not, so I just bring you a small update today. But progress is progress! My first game of Black Powder highlighted a major issue with the collection: a lack of command stands. Something to urgently be rectified, starting with this chap.

Most of my command stands will have two or three miniatures on them, I should have a collection of foot and mounted minis to make enough for each force. But I thought this chap deserved one of his own, my favourite sculpt of the Perry mounted command pack, facing down the Mahdist hordes with a stoney stare, stiff upper lip and Enfield revolver. Anyone fancy the honour of giving him a name?

In today's parlance: what a badass

I felt he deserved to be proudly dressed in red rather then the usual grey serge. Eventually I'd like to add a whole unit of British infantry in red. Or highlanders, if I can face the tartan again...

Also, this marks my 200th post on this little blog over the past 30 months, not bad given I go in fits and starts of posting!


  1. Great job on the Honourable Jeremy Thistlewhaite and very many congratulations on the recent landmark - jolly well done Sir.

    1. Fine use of the honourable. A worthy effort.

  2. Aha, I believe this must be the Hon. Henry Birkenstock, the Viscount Sandal.

    Congrats on the 200 post milestone! :)

    1. An early leader from Tamsin - now that's a fine name!

  3. A very impressive figure.

    Congratulations on the milestone.

  4. Very nice figure, a perfect victorian gentleman!

  5. Absolutely impressive paintjob. I like him a lot.

  6. Yes, we often forget about the command stands as well (as a result I now have a veritable Sandhurst in miniature). Beautiful work, Phil. He looks like a John Barking to me.

    1. Ah, understated name, nice

    2. Yes, he has a bit of pensive restraint about him. Not upper class, definitely one of those 'professional' chappies from the middles.

  7. He reminds me of an old acquaintance, a Capt. the Right Hon. Horace Ponsonby-Badger III Esq. I could be wrong of course but the resemblance is uncanny. Regardless, he's a fine looking chap and no mistake!

    1. Now now Millsy, that's just silly! He doesn't have the trademark flowing blonde locks of the Ponsonby-Badgers.


  8. Quite a dashing figure he cuts there. Is he serving with his regiment, or is he on detached duty with the staff? And was he commissioned by the Perry Brothers, or is he one of those new Studio chaps?

    1. He was intended to be with his regiment, which has been neither bought nor painted yet!

      He is a Perry miniatures sculpt.


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