
Friday 19 July 2013

Oh Gosh it's Hot

Happy Friday to you all!

The sweltering weather here in the UK is making it hard to devote time to hobby matters. It's fair to day a number of our community are suffering. But my hobby projects have also been brought to a complete standstill by work being staggeringly busy with a number of things all coming in at once. Hot sleepless night and that mean I'm pretty knackered right now and very much looking forward to a restful weekend. If I get some painting or terrain done, all the better!

Anyway, a fortnight ago (wow, that long?) Samulus and I managed a great Sudan game using Black Powder. I had put lot of painting hours in before that to get it looking as good as possible in the time available. A real success despite it being our first try with the rules, but the dramas will be the subject of a much fuller write-up soon. In the meantime, here's a little teaser of the day's action.

What's that on that there hill, eh Perkins? 


  1. Agree with the sentiment - work is busy and its too damn hot to sleep! Good game by the way, definitely a black powder fan.

  2. Yup,too darn hot. Hope to see the batrep soon.

  3. I'll look forward to the report on the game, if its not too damn hot to get it finished that is!!

    1. Hah yes, too hot to concentrate on writing! Better this morning though.

  4. Normally the wife's in bed by 9.30 giving me at least 3 hours painting time, this mini heatwave is certainly slowing production.

  5. I'm melting... apparently this could continue until October!

    1. Is that the readout of the Awdry-matic long-range weather forecasting machine?

      Oh dear - 2013 may turn into a year of painting blight for UK bloggers!


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