
Saturday 23 June 2012

I like surprises...[updated]

It was my birthday this week and true to form my brother grabbed me some hobby stuff. I'd pointed him towards the Critical Mass Games buildings, which I thought would make a good start to an industrial outpost for SciFi games. On first look they're really cleanly cast and well detailed, including interiors.

What I wasn't expecting was these two - scratch built (and painted!) SciFi wind turbines. I don't have a mini for scale to hand, but they're about 6 inches tall.

Apparently they're made from bits of Platformer kits. Pretty cool eh?

EDIT: these were a bit unstable as they're so tall. The addition of 50mm square bases improved the stability no end.

Unexpected presents are great!


  1. Well happy birthday to you, now you just need to put together a nice scenario for your turbines


  2. A very nice gift and happy birthday, Phil!

  3. Happy Birthday !
    a really nice gift!


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