
Sunday 29 January 2012

Winter clearout

It's long overdue. Time for me to clear out some hobby space. My hobby storage area is littered with the remains of failed projects. Not surprising, for a gaming magpie like myself.

To make a start, I've listed some 20mm scale WWII British tommies on eBay. Sadly, 20mm ended up being one scale too many for me. I found it an unsatisfying middle ground between the pleasure of painting 28mm and a scale where massed battles are doable with limited space and time.

If anyone is interested (Ray? Angry?), you can find them here:
For sale

Of course, any monies raised will be ploughed back into the hobby, I'm eyeing up some spiffing 28mm vietnam which are 'coming soon' from eBob.


  1. Thanks for the heads up on the Ebob Vietnam range, I had not seen that before

  2. No problem David, they look fab so I was surprised I hadn't seen them until last week.


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